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【4K】Dulan and Donghe from Above - TAIWAN 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Dulan (都蘭) and Donghe (東河鄉, Taitung County; Taiwan); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-26 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 612, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Dulan 4K Drone Video Footage & Dulan Drone Pictures.

About Dulan: Dulan (transliterated from the Ami name Atolan, Mandarin: 都蘭, Simplified: 都兰, pinyin: Dōulán) is a village in the Donghe Township of Taitung County, Taiwan. It is located between the Pacific Ocean and Dulan Mountain in Dulan National Forest (都蘭林場) on Taiwans southeast coast. Due to the rise in tourism, many Han people have moved to Dulan. However, the Dulan tribe still preserve many customs of the Ami. Local venue Xindong Sugar Factory (a repurposed sugar mill) hosts frequent art fairs and live music nights, at which are displayed the many varied art forms of the First Taiwanese. The towns name is easily mispronounced by foreigners as 都爛 (dōulàn), which is slang for crappy. Dulan is an independent autonomous region, with its own currency and locally elected government. // Donghe Township (Chinese: 東河鄉; pinyin: Dōnghé Xiāng; Wade–Giles: Tung1-ho2 Hsiang1; literally: east river township) is a rural township located in northeastern Taitung County, Taiwan. The population is mainly the indigenous Amis people. The major industry is agriculture. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Relax, Relaxation, Nature, Scenes, Ambient, Calming, Healing, Chill, Chillout, Music, Dynamic, Stress, Relief, Beach, Ocean, Water, Mountains, Dulan, Vilalge, Donghe, Township, Taitung, County, Taiwan, Ilha Formosa, Republic, of, China, Pacific, Ocean, Surfing, Mountain, National, Forest, Southeast, Caost, Han, People, Ami, Xindong, Sugar, Factory, Beach, 都蘭, 東河鄉

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-26 15:03 Captured in DulanTaiwan See video »

【4K】Taroko Gorge from Above - TAIWAN 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in the Taroko National Park (太魯閣國家公園; Taiwan); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-26 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 616, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Taroko Gorge 4K Drone Video Footage & Taroko Gorge Drone Pictures.

About Taroko Gorge: Taroko National Park (Chinese: 太魯閣國家公園; pinyin: Tàilǔgé Gúojiā Gōngyuán; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Thài-ló͘-koh Kok-ka Kong-hn̂g) is one of the nine national parks in Taiwan and was named after the Taroko Gorge, the landmark gorge of the park carved by the Liwu River. The park spans Taichung Municipality, Nantou County, and Hualien County and is located at Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan. This national park was originally established as the Tsugitaka-Taroko National Park (Japanese: 次高タロコ国立公園, Hepburn: Tsugitaka Taroko kokuritsu kōen) by the Governor-General of Taiwan on 12 December 1937 when Taiwan was part of the Empire of Japan. After the Empire of Japans defeat in World War II, the Republic of China took over Taiwan in consequence. The ROC government subsequently abolished the park on 15 August 1945. It was not until 28 November 1986 that the park was reestablished. // 太魯閣國家公園是台灣第四座成立的國家公園,前身為日治時期成立之次高太魯閣國立公園(1937~1945)。第二次世界大戰後為國家級風景區,1986年11月12日公告計畫,1986年11月28日成立管理處。位於台灣東部,地跨花蓮縣、臺中市、南投縣三個行政區。園內有台灣第一條東西橫貫公路通過,稱為中橫公路系統。 太魯閣國家公園的特色為峽谷和斷崖,崖壁峭立,景緻清幽,「太魯閣幽峽」因而名列台灣八景之一。另外,園內的高山地帶保留了許多冰河時期的孑遺生物,如山椒魚等。 [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Taroko, National Park, 太魯閣國家公園, Taiwan, Gorge, Ilha Formosa, Landmark, Park, Carved, Liwu, River, Taichung, Municipality, Nantou, County, Hualien, Xiulin, Township, Eastern Taiwan, Japan, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Liyu Lake, Sanxiantai

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-26 06:52 Captured in Taroko GorgeTaiwan See video »

【4K】Liyu Lake and Sanxiantai from Above - TAIWAN 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Liyu Lake (鯉魚潭) and Sanxiantai (三仙台; Taiwan); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-26 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 614, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Liyu Lake 4K Drone Video Footage & Liyu Lake Drone Pictures.

About Liyu Lake: The Liyu Lake or Carp Lake (Chinese: 鯉魚潭; pinyin: Lǐyú Tán) is a lake in Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, Taiwan. After the development of the lake into a scenic spot, the lake becomes the site of various recreational activities, such as light boat sailing, water sports, etc. It has single lane bicycle path around 5 km encircling the lake and footpaths for strolling along the shore. The Chinan National Forest Recreation Area (Chinese: 池南國家森林遊樂區) and Mukumugi (Chinese: 慕谷慕魚) surrounding the lake displays the old logging trains and the logging displays and aboriginal culture respectively. Every year in April, thousand of fireflies flash above the lake. // 鯉魚潭位於台灣花蓮縣壽豐鄉,地處花東縱谷國家風景區的最北端。鯉魚潭為木瓜溪支流銅文蘭溪之上游與花蓮溪支流荖溪之間河川襲奪所形成的堰塞湖,湖面呈南北長東西窄的橢圓形,面積約104公頃左右,湖水來自於地底湧泉,所以終年清澈,水最深處達15公尺。而「鯉魚潭」的得名說法有二:一是因為側邊山岳形似鯉魚,故山與湖同齊名為鯉魚,有「鯉魚山上有鯉魚,鯉魚潭裡水中游。」俚語的稱呼。另一種說法源於最早活動於此處的台灣原住民太魯閣族,因為登至山頂往下看,潭的形狀就像是一隻剛捕獲的鯉魚在跳躍,所以以此名之。該處環境優美如畫,環境與水質均保持良好。近年來每年四、五月均舉辦螢火蟲季,更顯示當地生態與環境保育的成功。優美的景色吸引許多遊客來此,為台灣東部與太魯閣等風景區為知名的旅遊勝地。// Sanxiantai (Amis: nuwalian; Chinese: 三仙台; pinyin: Sānxiāntái) is an area containing a beach and several islands located on the coast of Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan. The beach stretches for ten kilometers in length. It is situated at the 112-kilometer mark. A popular tourist attraction for its rocky coastal views, the area is well known for its long footbridge in the shape of a sea dragon that connects the coast to the largest island. The name Sanxiantai means three immortals platform, referring to the island with three large standing rocks. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Liyu Lake, Carp, Lake, 鯉魚潭, Shoufeng, Township, Hualien, County, Taiwan, Republic of China, Scienic Spot, Recreation, Boat, Sailing, Water, Sports, Bicycle, Path, Lane, Footpath, Chinan, Taroko, Gorge, Eastern Taiwan, Ilha Formosa, Taipei, Kaohsiung, Sanxiantai, Bridge, Taitung, Chenggong, Rocky, Coastal, View, Footbridge

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-26 06:46 Captured in Liyu LakeTaiwan See video »

【4K】Sinbulsan and Ulsan from Above - SOUTH KOREA 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Sinbulsan (신불산) and in the Metropolitan City of Ulsan (울산광역시; South Korea); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-26 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 611, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Sinbulsan 4K Drone Video Footage & Sinbulsan Drone Pictures.

About Sinbulsan: Sinbulsan is a mountain in South Korea. It extends over the cities of Ulsan and Yangsan in Gyeongsangnam-do. Sinbulsan has an elevation of 1,209 m (3,967 ft). It is part of the Yeongnam Alps mountain range. // 신불산(神佛山)은 울산광역시 울주군 상북면과 삼남면과 경상남도 양산시 하북면의 경계를 이루는 산이다. // Ulsan, officially the Ulsan Metropolitan City, is South Koreas seventh-largest metropolitan city and the eighth-largest city overall, with a population of over 1.1 million inhabitants. It is located in the south-east of the country, neighboring Busan to the south and facing Gyeongju to the north. Ulsan is the industrial powerhouse of South Korea, forming the heart of the Ulsan Industrial District. It has the worlds largest automobile assembly plant operated by the Hyundai Motor Company; the worlds largest shipyard, operated by Hyundai Heavy Industries; and the worlds third largest oil refinery, owned by SK Energy. In 2017, Ulsan had a GDP per capita of $65,093, the highest of any region in South Korea. // 울산광역시(蔚山廣域市)는 대한민국 남동부 해안에 있는 광역시이다. 서쪽으로 경상남도 밀양시·양산시, 경상북도 청도군, 북쪽으로 경상북도 경주시, 남쪽으로 부산광역시 기장군과 접한다. 태화강이 도시를 가로질러 동해로 흐르며, 동해안에 울산항과 방어진항, 온산항이 위치한다. 현대중공업, 현대하이스코, 현대미포조선 등의 대기업 본사들과 현대자동차, SK이노베이션, S-OIL 등의 대기업들이 있고, 한국석유공사, 에너지관리공단, 에너지경제연구원, 한국동서발전, 한국산업인력공단, 근로복지공단, 안전보건공단 등 공기업이 있으며, 자동차·조선 및 석유화학 공업이 발달해 있다. 2014년 기준 1인당 GRDP 6억1,102만원 으로 전국에서 가장 높다. 울산은 대한민국 총 수출의 17.7%를 차지한다. 산업 발달의 영향으로 인구가 급증하여 1997년 7월 15일 광역시로 승격되었다. 특별·광역시 중 관할 면적이 가장 넓지만 인구는 가장 적어서 인구밀도가 가장 낮다. 전국 광역시 중 유일하게 컨벤션센터(2020년 완공 예정)와 도시 철도가 없다. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Sinbulsan, Mountain, South Korea, Korea, Ulsan, Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam, Do, Yeongnam, Alps, Mountains, Rage, 신불산, Metropolitan, City, Metropolis, Night, Busan, Gyeongju, Seoul, Hyundai, 울산광역시

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-26 06:38 Captured in SinbulsanSouth Korea See video »

【4K】Asan and Boryeong from Above - SOUTH KOREA 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Asan (아산시) and Daecheon (also knows as Boryeong 보령시; South Korea); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-26 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 610, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Asan 4K Drone Video Footage & Asan Drone Pictures.

About Asan: Asan is a city in South Chungcheong Province, South Korea. It borders the Seoul Metropolitan Area to the north. Asan has a population of approximately 300,000. Asan is known for its many hot springs and is a city of spas. Asan has grown into the neighboring village, Onyang-dong, which is also known for its hot springs. // Boryeong, commonly known as Daecheon, is a city in South Chungcheong Province, South Korea. It is located on the coast of the Yellow Sea. It lies on the Janghang Line railroad, which connects it to Seoul via the Gyeongbu Line. It is also connected to the Seohaean Expressway. Boryeong is known around Korea for its beaches, particularly Daecheon Beach, and its annual mud festival around July, Boryeong Mud Festival. The citys beach-mud is widely touted for its cosmetic properties. As elsewhere along the southwest coast of the Korean peninsula, there are numerous small islands, many of which are connected by ferry to Daecheon Port. Boryeong gained its present boundaries in 1995, with the merger of Boryeong-gun and Daecheon City. Previously, the 2 entities were separated in 1986, and before that time had been united under the name Boryeong County (Boryeong-gun) since the Joseon Dynasty. // 보령시(保寧市)는 대한민국 충청남도 서해안에 있는 시이다. 동쪽은 청양군·부여군, 서쪽은 서해에 면하며, 남쪽은 서천군, 북쪽은 홍성군과 접하고 있다. 장항선과 서해안고속도로가 연결된다. 대천항과 대천해수욕장, 무창포해수욕장 등이 있고, 매년 보령머드축제를 개최한다. 대천을 중심으로 도심을 형성하며, 한국중부발전 본사가 위치한 구역이다. 행정구역은 1읍 10면 5동이다. // 아산시(牙山市)는 대한민국 충청남도 북부에 있는 시이다. 동쪽으로 천안시, 서쪽으로 당진시와 예산군, 남쪽으로 공주시, 북쪽으로는 아산만을 경계로 경기도 평택시와 접한다. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Asan, City, South, Chungcheong, Province, South Korea, Korea, Seoul, Metropolitan, Area, Hot Spring, Spa, Onyang, Dong, Boryeong, Daecheon, Yellow Sea, Janghang, Koreal, KTX, Gyeongbu, Line, Railway, Train, Highspeed, Rail, Station, Port, Boryeong, Do, Si

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-26 06:30 Captured in AsanSouth Korea See video »

【4K】Bakhawan Eco-Park from Above - PHILIPPINES 2020 | Kalibo | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in the Bakhawan Eco-Park in Kalibo (Aklan; Philippines); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-25 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 609, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Kalibo 4K Drone Video Footage & Kalibo Drone Pictures.

About Kalibo: The Bakhawan Eco-Park is a 220 hectares (540 acres) mangrove forest located in Kalibo, Aklan, Philippines. The mangrove reforestation project started in 1990 when the local government and several non-government organizations transformed the muddy shoreline of Barangay New Buswang into a mangrove reforestation site to prevent flood and storm surges in the community. The park is dubbed as the Philippines most successful mangrove reforestation project. The Eco-park is operated by the Kalibo Save the Mangroves Association (KASAMA). The word bakhawan, in the local dialect, means mangrove. Today, the Bakhawan Eco-Park is considered as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Kalibo. The centerpiece of the Eco-Park is a 1.3 kilometres (0.81 mi) bamboo trail that takes visitors deep into the mangrove forest. The park is an ideal destination for ecotourism, it is home to different species of mangrove trees and it serves as a sanctuary for various types of birds and marine species. Other features in the park includes a watchtower, souvenir shop, canteen, massage area, charcoal briquetting, picnic huts and a Center for International Mangrove Studies. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Relax, Relaxation, Nature, Scenes, Ambient, Calming, Healing, Chill, Chillout, Music, Dynamic, Stress, Relief, Beach, Ocean, Water, Mountains, Bakhawan, Eco, Park, Kalibo, Philippines, Boracay, Mangrove, Forest, Aklan, Philippines, Shoreline, Mud, Muddy, Reforestation, Site, Flood, Storm, KASAMA, Tourist, Attraction, Bamboo, Trail, Trees, Birds, Marine, Species, Watchtower, Amazonas, Rainforest

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-25 06:11 Captured in KaliboPhilippines See video »

【4K】The Nature of JAPAN 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in the Stunning Nature of Japan (East Asia); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-25 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 608, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Japan 4K Drone Video Footage & Japan Drone Pictures.

About Japan: Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean with dense cities, imperial palaces, mountainous national parks and thousands of shrines and temples. Shinkansen bullet trains connect the main islands of Kyushu (with Okinawas subtropical beaches), Honshu (home to Tokyo and Hiroshimas atomic-bomb memorial) and Hokkaido (famous for skiing). Tokyo, the capital, is known for skyscrapers, shopping and pop culture. In contrast to Tokyo, quieter Kyoto is famous for its Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines and manicured gardens. Much of Japans terrain, including the symmetrical Mt. Fuji, is volcanic. Onsen (hot springs resorts featuring mineral baths) and traditional inns called ryokan, are popular. Shops throughout Japan carry trendy fashions, kimono gowns and electronics. Typical entertainment pastimes include sumo-wrestling matches, kabuki theater productions and karaoke bars. Sushi, the national dish, is served everywhere from casual pubs to gourmet restaurants. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Relax, Relaxation, Nature, Scenes, Ambient, Calming, Healing, Chill, Chillout, Music, Dynamic, Stress, Relief, Beach, Ocean, Water, Mountains, Japan, Nippon, Pacific, Ocean, Island, Nation, Islands, Shrine, Temple, Shinkansen, Kyushu, Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, Hokkaido, Skyscraper, Buddhist, Fuji, Volcanic, Onsen, Mount Zao, Katta, Volcano

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-04-25 05:57 Captured in JapanJapan See video »

【4K】Yamadera from Above - JAPAN 2020 | Risshaku-ji Temple | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Yamadera (Yamagata Prefecture; Japan) including the famous Risshaku-Ji Temple; project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-25 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 607, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Yamadera 4K Drone Video Footage & Yamadera Drone Pictures.

About Yamadera: Yamagata is a city in northern Japan. In the center, Kajo Park contains the remains of Yamagata Castle, and is known for spring cherry blossoms. Northeast of the city, a long stairway leads up Mount Hojusan to the Yamadera Temple complex. The temples Godaido observation deck offers panoramic views. Nearby, Yamadera Basho Museum is dedicated to the 17th-century poet Basho, who was inspired by his visit to the area. // Yama-dera (山寺, lit. Mountain Temple), (山号 宝珠山; Sangō Hōshu-zan) is about a twenty-minute train ride (Senzan Line) northeast of Yamagata City, in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan. The temple is a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty and Historic Site. The area is named after the common name of the temple of Risshaku-ji (立石寺), founded in 860 AD by the priest Ennin (円仁) (AD 793 or 794–864), who is better known in Japan by his posthumous name, Jikaku Daishi (慈覺大師). In 847 he returned to Japan from China and in 854 he became the chief priest of the Tendai sect at Enryaku-ji. Risshaku-ji was founded as a branch temple of Enryaku-ji on Mt. Hiei near Kyoto. Even today the ritual fires brought from Enryaku-ji are still burning in the main temple. It developed into the major Heian-period (794–1185) temple for rural Dewa province (now Yamagata and Akita prefectures). This main temple, the Konpon-chūdō, an important cultural asset, is said to have been built in 1356 by Shiba Kaneyori, lord of Yamagata Castle. Most of Risshaku-ji was destroyed during the local wars of the early 16th century. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Yamagata, Japan, Nippon, Kajo Park, Castle, Spring, Cherry, Blossom, Mount, Hojusan, Temple, Complex, Godaido, Panoramic, Basho, Museum, Senzan, City, Yamadera, Scienic, Beauty, Risshaku, Ji, Jikaku, Daishi, Tendai, Hiei, Kyoto, Akita, Prefecture, Konpon

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/raw/ (Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

+++ No Unlicensed Usage | Download prohibited | Embed only through Original YouTube Embed Code permitted +++
2020-04-25 05:56 Captured in YamaderaJapan See video »

【4K】Lockdown of Rio de Janeiro »20 Min | BRAZIL | April 19, 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K *extended* footage (20 Minutes) of my drone flights during Lockdown (Times of Corona Virus) in the districts Copacabana, Ipanema and Lagoa of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-20 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Drone Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Drone Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro Drone Flight: Copacabana is a bairro (neighbourhood) located in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its 4 km (2.5 miles) balneario beach, which is one of the most famous in the world. Copacabana beach, located at the Atlantic shore, stretches from Posto Dois (lifeguard watchtower Two) to Posto Seis (lifeguard watchtower Six). Leme is at Posto Um (lifeguard watchtower One). There are historic forts at both ends of Copacabana beach; Fort Copacabana, built in 1914, is at the south end by Posto Seis and Fort Duque de Caxias, built in 1779, at the north end. One curiosity is that the lifeguard watchtower of Posto Seis never existed. Hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and residential buildings dot the promenade facing Avenida Atlântica. On Sundays and holidays, one side of Avenida Atlântica is closed to cars, giving residents and tourists more space for activities along the beach. Copacabana Beach plays host to millions of revellers during the annual New Years Eve celebrations, and in most years, has been the official venue of the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. // Copacabana é um bairro situado na Zona Sul do município do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. É considerado um dos bairros mais famosos e prestigiados do Brasil e um dos mais conhecidos do mundo. Tem o apelido de Princesinha do Mar e Coração da Zona Sul. Faz divisa com os bairros da Lagoa, Ipanema, Botafogo, Leme e Humaitá. Em termos populacionais, é o bairro mais populoso da Zona Sul, com mais de 140 000 habitantes em 2010, dos quais cerca de 1/3 (cerca de 43 000 habitantes em 2010) é composta por idosos, com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos de idade. De fato, Copacabana é por vezes apontado como o bairro com população mais idosa do país. Copacabana atrai um grande contingente de turistas para seus mais de oitenta hotéis, que ficam especialmente cheios durante as épocas do ano-novo e do carnaval. No fim de ano, a tradicional queima de fogos na Praia de Copacabana atrai uma multidão. A orla ainda é lugar de variados eventos, como shows nacionais e internacionais, durante o resto do ano. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Copacabana, Hoje, Today, Drone, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Praia, Beach, Copacabana Palace, Hotel, Skyline, Ipanema, Leblon, Sugar Loaf, Pao de Acucar, Cristo, Redentor, Christ the Redeemer, Statue, Empty, No people, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copa, Barra, Tijuca

» Video [Internal ID 606] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

+++ Download prohibited | Embed only through Original YouTube Embed Code permitted +++

» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-21 00:27 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Lockdown in Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL | April 19, 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Lockdown Times of the Corona Virus in the districts Copacabana, Ipanema and Lagoa of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-19 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Drone Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Drone Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro Drone Flight: Copacabana is a bairro (neighbourhood) located in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its 4 km (2.5 miles) balneario beach, which is one of the most famous in the world. Copacabana beach, located at the Atlantic shore, stretches from Posto Dois (lifeguard watchtower Two) to Posto Seis (lifeguard watchtower Six). Leme is at Posto Um (lifeguard watchtower One). There are historic forts at both ends of Copacabana beach; Fort Copacabana, built in 1914, is at the south end by Posto Seis and Fort Duque de Caxias, built in 1779, at the north end. One curiosity is that the lifeguard watchtower of Posto Seis never existed. Hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and residential buildings dot the promenade facing Avenida Atlântica. On Sundays and holidays, one side of Avenida Atlântica is closed to cars, giving residents and tourists more space for activities along the beach. Copacabana Beach plays host to millions of revellers during the annual New Years Eve celebrations, and in most years, has been the official venue of the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. // Copacabana é um bairro situado na Zona Sul do município do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. É considerado um dos bairros mais famosos e prestigiados do Brasil e um dos mais conhecidos do mundo. Tem o apelido de Princesinha do Mar e Coração da Zona Sul. Faz divisa com os bairros da Lagoa, Ipanema, Botafogo, Leme e Humaitá. Em termos populacionais, é o bairro mais populoso da Zona Sul, com mais de 140 000 habitantes em 2010, dos quais cerca de 1/3 (cerca de 43 000 habitantes em 2010) é composta por idosos, com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos de idade. De fato, Copacabana é por vezes apontado como o bairro com população mais idosa do país. Copacabana atrai um grande contingente de turistas para seus mais de oitenta hotéis, que ficam especialmente cheios durante as épocas do ano-novo e do carnaval. No fim de ano, a tradicional queima de fogos na Praia de Copacabana atrai uma multidão. A orla ainda é lugar de variados eventos, como shows nacionais e internacionais, durante o resto do ano. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Copacabana, Hoje, Today, Drone, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Praia, Beach, Copacabana Palace, Hotel, Skyline, Ipanema, Leblon, Sugar Loaf, Pao de Acucar, Cristo, Redentor, Christ the Redeemer, Statue, Empty, No people, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copa, Barra, Tijuca

» Video [Internal ID 605] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

+++ Download prohibited | Embed only through Original YouTube Embed Code permitted +++

» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-19 23:11 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】88 MEGACITIES of the World 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in 88 Megacities around the World (Kuala Lumpur, Sao Paulo, Athens, Singapore, Perth, Rio de Janeiro, Ottawa, Taipei, Kyiv, Recife, Macau, Novosibirsk, Busan, Natal, Montreal, Tehran, Seoul, Fortaleza, Bangkok, Krakow, Cebu City, Tbilisi, Belo Horizonte, Kaohsiung, Da Nang, Daejeon, Quebec City, Ulan Bataar, Yerevan, Ho Chi Minh City, Salvador, Sarajevo, Krasnoyarsk, Batumi, Kyoto, Paramaribo, Brasilia, Conakry, Kingstown, Georgetown, Irkutsk, Hong Kong, Podgorica, Olinda, Cayenne, Hue, New Taipei City, Penang, Joao Pessoa, Putrajaya, Hat Yai, Hoi An, Ljubljana, Vung Tau, Ipoh, Vaduz, Fort-de-France, Malacca, Bergen, Yekaterinburg, Sofia, Budva, Suwon, Boston, Banjul/Serekunda, Keelung, Odessa, Matsushima Bay, Basseterre, Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, Langkawi, Gyeongju, Stavanger, Lugano, Zenica, Ulan-Ude, Ziguinchor, Yamagata, Yeosu, Nouakchott, Pilsen, Bamako, Santa Cruz de Tenrife, Malmo, Incheon, Bissau, Longyearbyen and Nuuk); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-18 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

▶️ 88 Megacities of the World @ 0:00
▶️ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia @ 2:17
▶️ Sao Paulo, Brazil @ 7:19
▶️ Athens, Greece @ 11:47
▶️ Singapore @ 16:58
▶️ Perth, Australia @ 21:28
▶️ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ 25:22
▶️ Ottawa, Canada @ 29:06
▶️ Taipei, Taiwan @ 32:10
▶️ Kiev, Ukraine @ 36:20
▶️ Recife, Brazil @ 40:06
▶️ Macau @ 44:15
▶️ Novosibirsk, Russia @ 47:25
▶️ Busan, South Korea @ 51:05
▶️ Natal, Brazil @ 53:57
▶️ Montreal, Canada @ 59:25
▶️ Tehran, Iran @ 1:03:00
▶️ Seoul, South Korea @ 1:08:38
▶️ Fortaleza, Braszil @ 1:12:23
▶️ Bangkok, Thailand @ 1:17:31
▶️ Krakow, Poland @ 1:20:23
▶️ Cebu City, Philippines @ 1:24:15
▶️ Tbilisi, Georgia @ 1:26:44
▶️ Belo Horizonte, Brazil @ 1:29:27
▶️ Kaohsiung, Taiwan @ 1:34:32
▶️ Da Nang, Vietnam @ 1:38:29
▶️ Daejeon, South Korea @ 1:43:29
▶️ Quebec City, Canada @ 1:46:32
▶️ Ulan-Bator, Mongolia @ 1:51:28
▶️ Yerevan, Armenia @ 1:56:30
▶️ Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam @ 1:59:14
▶️ Salvador, Brazil @ 2:02:11
▶️ Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina @ 2:10:09
▶️ Krasnoyarsk, Russia @ 2:13:10
▶️ Batumi, Georgia @ 2:16:06
▶️ Kyoto, Japan @ 2:20:17
▶️ Paramaribo, Suriname @ 2:23:00
▶️ Brasilia, Brazil @ 2:26:36
▶️ Conakry, Guinea @ 2:32:22
▶️ Kingstown, St. Vincent @ 2:35:20
▶️ Georgetown, Guyana @ 2:38:36
▶️ Irkutsk, Russia @ 2:46:35
▶️ Hong Kong @ 2:49:30
▶️ Podgorica, Montenegro @ 2:52:29
▶️ Olinda, Brazil @ 2:55:28
▶️ Cayenne, French Guiana @ 2:59:10
▶️ Hue, Vietnam @ 3:01:42
▶️ New Taipei City, Taipei @ 3:06:11
▶️ Penang, Malaysia @ 3:10:28
▶️ Joao Pessoa, Brazil @ 3:14:52
▶️ Putrajaya, Malaysia @ 3:18:58
▶️ Hat Yai, Thailand @ 3:22:10
▶️ Hoi An, Vietnam @ 3:24:54
▶️ Ljubljana, Slovenia @ 3:27:53
▶️ Vung Tau, Vietnam @ 3:30:53
▶️ Ipoh, Malaysia @ 3:33:44
▶️ Vaduz, Liechtenstein @ 3:36:48
▶️ Fort-de-France, Martinique @ 3:39:16
▶️ Melaka, Malaysia @ 3:43:00
▶️ Bergen, Norway @ 3:47:56
▶️ Yekaterinburg, Russia @ 3:51:33
▶️ Sofia, Bulgaria @ 3:53:38
▶️ Budva, Montenegro @ 3:56:34
▶️ Suwon, South Korea @ 3:59:37
▶️ Boston, United States @ 4:03:24
▶️ Serekunda, Gambia @ 4:05:24
▶️ Keelung, Taiwan @ 4:08:28
▶️ Odessa, Ukraine @ 4:12:19
▶️ Matsushima, Japan @ 4:15:40
▶️ Basseterre, St. Kitts @ 4:19:17
▶️ Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, French Guiana @ 4:21:55
▶️ Langkawi, Malaysia @ 4:25:29
▶️ Gyeongju, South Korea @ 4:29:16
▶️ Stavanger, Norway @ 4:31:16
▶️ Lugano, Switzerland @ 4:35:10
▶️ Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina @ 4:38:58
▶️ Ulan-Ude, Russia @ 4:41:33
▶️ Ziguinchor, Senegal @ 4:44:24
▶️ Yamagata, Japan @ 4:47:09
▶️ Yeosu, South Korea @ 4:49:36
▶️ Nouakchott, Mauritania @ 4:51:32
▶️ Pilsen, Czech Republic @ 4:53:41
▶️ Bamako, Mali @ 4:57:04
▶️ Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain @ 4:59:02
▶️ Malmo, Sweden @ 5:00:24
▶️ Incheon, South Korea @ 5:01:20
▶️ Bissau, Guinea-Bissau @ 5:04:26
▶️ Longyearbyen, Svalbard @ 5:07:02
▶️ Nuuk, Greenland @ 5:08:56

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB World 4K Drone Video Footage & World Drone Pictures.

The World Drone Flight: A megacity is a very large city metropolitan area, typically with a population of more than 10 million people. Precise definitions vary: the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in its 2014 World Urbanization Prospects report counted urban agglomerations having over 10 million inhabitants. A University of Bonn report held that they are usually defined as metropolitan areas with a total population of 10 million or more people. Others list cities satisfying criteria of either 5 or 8 million and also have a population density of 2,000 per square kilometre. A megacity can be a single metropolitan area or two or more metropolitan areas that converge due to close proximity. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): 88 Megacities, Around the World, Megacities, Megacity, Sao Paulo, Seoul, Tehran, Ho Chi Minh City, Saigon, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, Recife, Busan, Sarajevo, Brasilia, Incheon, Salvador, Kaohsiung, Taipei, Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte, Conakry, Bamako, Perth, Kuala Lumpur, Montreal, Novosibirsk, Daejeon, Kyoto, Ulanbataar, Yekaterinburg, Suwon, Tbilisi, Yerevan, Krasnoyarsk, Ottawa, Cebu City, Malacca City, Melaka, Nouakchott, Macau, Quebec City, Keelung, Zigunchor, Ljubljana, Hue, Yeosu, Bergen, Gyeongju, Yamagata, Paramaribo, Georgetown, Stavanger, Vung Tau, Podgorica, Athens, Kiev, Krakow, Pilsen, Olinda, Natal, Vaduz

» Video [Internal ID 599] taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

+++ Download prohibited | Embed only through Original YouTube Embed Code permitted +++

» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-18 05:09 Captured in SingaporeSingapore See video »

【4K】Stadiums of Rio de Janeiro from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at the Major Stadiums of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), which are the infamous Maracanã (Fluminense, Flamengo), Estadio São Januário (Vasco da Gama), Estádio Olimpico Nilton Santos (Botafogo) and also the Estádio de Gávea (Flamengo CF); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-17 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Drone Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Drone Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro Drone Flight: The Maracanã (Portuguese: Estádio do Maracanã), officially named the Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho, is a stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The stadium is part of a complex that includes an arena known by the name of Maracanãzinho, which means The Little Maracanã in Portuguese. Owned by the Rio de Janeiro state government, it is, as is the Maracanã neighborhood where it is located, named after the Rio Maracanã, a now canalized river in Rio de Janeiro. The stadium was opened in 1950 to host the FIFA World Cup, in which Brazil was beaten, 2–1, by Uruguay in the deciding game, in front of 199,854 spectators on 16 July 1950. // Estádio Vasco da Gama, also known as Estádio São Januário, owing to its location on a street of the same name, is the home ground of Club de Regatas Vasco da Gama. Its facade is listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage. It is located in the Vasco da Gama neighborhood, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on a hill near the National Observatory of Brazil. Because of its position it is often referred to as Estádio da Colina (Hills Stadium) which in turn has given Vasco the nickname of Gigante da Colina (Hills Giant). // The Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos, formerly the Estádio Olímpico João Havelange, is a multi-purpose stadium located in the neighbourhood of Engenho de Dentro in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is used mostly for football matches and athletics and is the home stadium of the football club Botafogo. // The Estádio da Gávea (Gávea Stadium, in English), also known as Estádio José Bastos Padilha is a football stadium, inaugurated on September 4, 1938, in the Lagoa neighborhood, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has a maximum capacity of 4,000 spectators, and is the home ground of Flamengo, its owner. Flamengo rarely plays at Estádio da Gávea. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Maracana, Estadio do Maracanã, Estadio, Jornalista Mário Filho, Rio de Janeiro, Complex, Maracanazinho, RJ, Brazil, Brasil, FIFA, World Cup, Estadio, Vasco da Gama, Sao Januario, Estádio São Januário, Football, Futebol, Soccer, Stadium, Ground, Groundhopping, Estadio, Stadium, Olimpico Nilton Santos, Nilton Santos, Joao Havelange, Olympic Stadium, Engenho de Dentro, Estadio, da, Gavea, Gavea Stadium Estadio Jose Bastos Padilha Fluminense

» Video [Internal ID 604] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

+++ Download prohibited | Embed only through Original YouTube Embed Code permitted +++

» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-17 15:50 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Ipanema Beach from Above | Times of Corona Virus BRAZIL 2020 | Rio de Janeiro Drone | April 15

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Ipanema and Leblon Today / Hoje over the deserted, infamous beaches/praias in times of Coronavirus - Rio de Janeiro, April 15, 2020 (RJ, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-16 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Drone Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Drone Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro Drone Flight: Rio de Janeiro is a huge seaside city in Brazil, famed for its Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, 38m Christ the Redeemer statue atop Mount Corcovado and for Sugarloaf Mountain, a granite peak with cable cars to its summit. The city is also known for its sprawling favelas (shanty towns). Its raucous Carnaval festival, featuring parade floats, flamboyant costumes and samba dancers, is considered the worlds largest. Sporting pursuits include volleyball on Ipanema Beach, surfing at Arpoador and paragliding from the lofty Pedra Bonita viewpoint. Sandy beaches stretch from Guanabara Bay to Barra in the west, all of them with cycle tracks and kiosks selling coconut water. Tijuca National Park features rainforest-covered mountains filled with waterfalls, hiking trails and toucans. Samba, forró and bossa nova bands perform in the bars of the Lapa area. Modern art is exhibited at Museu de Arte Moderna and Museu de Arte do Rio. Host of the 2016 Olympics, Rio is also home to iconic Maracanã Stadium. // Leblon is a neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is also the name of the local beach. The neighborhood is located in the South Zone of the city, between Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Morro Dois Irmãos and the Jardim de Alá channel, bordering the Gávea, Ipanema, Lagoa, and Vidigal neighborhoods. It is regarded as having the most expensive price per residential square meter in Latin America. Leblon began as a quilombo of escaped slaves. // Ipanema, between Leblon and Arpoador. The beach at Ipanema became known internationally with the popularity of the bossa nova jazz song, The Girl from Ipanema (Garota de Ipanema), written by Antônio Carlos Jobim and Vinícius de Moraes. // Copacabana is a bairro (neighbourhood) located in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its 4 km (2.5 miles) balneario beach, which is one of the most famous in the world. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Ipanema, Hoje, Today, Drone, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Praia, Beach, Copacabana, Palace, Hotel, Skyline, Jardim, Alah, Lagoa, Leblon, Parque Lage, Botanico, Sugar Loaf, Pao de Acucar, Cristo, Redentor, Christ the Redeemer, Statue, Empty, No people, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copa, Barra, Tijuca

» Video [Internal ID 600] taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

+++ Download prohibited | Embed only through Original YouTube Embed Code permitted +++

» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-16 05:28 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Podgorica from Above - Capital of MONTENEGRO 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Podgorica (Capital of Montenegro); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-16 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB Podgorica 4K Drone Video Footage & Podgorica Drone Pictures.

Podgorica Drone Flight: Podgorica is the capital city of Montenegro. Its rivers and bridges include the modern Millennium Bridge over the Morača River, and the stone bridge spanning the Ribnica River. The centuries-old Clock Tower, built by the Turks, dominates the old town. In the Zeta-Skadar valley south of the city, Lake Skadar National Park is home to medieval monasteries, beaches, and birds like the Dalmatian pelican. The Osmanagića Mosque and Ribnica Fortress are examples of the citys Ottoman architecture. The Natural History Museum of Montenegro presents the biodiversity of the area through collections of fossils, ferns and mammals. Petrović Palace, a former royal residence now home to the Center of Contemporary Art of Montenegro, is in a forested park. Also in the park is the Church of Saint Demetrius, with carved wood decorations. North of Podgorica is Doclea, an archaeological site with Roman ruins. Nearby, Zlatica Monastery includes the remains of a religious complex built in the early Christian period. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Podgorica, Capital, City, Montenegro, Rivers, Bridges, Millennium Bridge, Moraca, River, Stone, Ribnica, Clock Tower, Turks, Old Town, Zeta, Skadar, Metropolis, Skadar, Lake, National, Park, Medieval, Monastery, Dalmatian, Pelican, Osmanagica, Mosque, Ribnica Fortress, Ottoman, Architecture, Museum, Palace, Center, Forest, Park, Church, Doclea, Podgorica City Stadium, Stadium, Ground

» Video [Internal ID 601] taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-16 05:25 Captured in PodgoricaMontenegro See video »

【4K】Estádio da Gávea from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Flamengo | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at the Gávea Stadium (Estádio da Gávea) of Flamengo CF in Lagoa, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-16 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Drone Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Drone Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro Drone Flight: The Estádio da Gávea (Gávea Stadium, in English), also known as Estádio José Bastos Padilha is a football stadium, inaugurated on September 4, 1938, in the Lagoa neighborhood, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It has a maximum capacity of 4,000 spectators, and is the home ground of Flamengo, its owner. Flamengo rarely plays at Estádio da Gávea. The clubs most used stadium is Maracanã. The stadium is named after José Bastos Padilha, Flamengos president at the time of the stadium construction. It was Flamengos president from 1933 to 1937. // O Estádio José Bastos Padilha, mais conhecido como Estádio da Gávea ou simplesmente Gávea, é um estádio de futebol localizado na sede social do Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, no bairro do Gávea, no município do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. Popularmente, o estádio costuma ser chamado de Estádio da Gávea, embora, legalmente, o estádio não se situe no bairro da Gávea, mas no bairro do Leblon. A alcunha de Gávea ficou pois o terreno doado para a construção do estádio ficava na Freguesia da Gávea, conforme antiga divisão administrativa da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Groundhopping, Estadio, da, Gavea, Gavea Stadium Estadio Jose Bastos Padilha, Football, Stadium, Futebol, Soccer, Lagoa, Flamengo, Flamengo CF, Rio de Janeiro, Rio, RJ, RdJ, Home, Ground, Maracana, President, Construction, Gavea, Jardim Alah, Praia, Leblon, Ipanema, Beach, Brazil, Brasil, Jockey Club, Brasileiro, Swimming Pool, Logo, Tribune, Dois Irmaos, Mountains

» Video [Internal ID 602] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-04-16 05:23 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

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