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【4K】Copacabana from Above | Times of Corona Virus BRAZIL 2020 | Rio de Janeiro Beach |March 23 Drone

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Copacabana Today / Hoje over the deserted, most famous beach/praia of the world in times of Coronavirus - Rio de Janeiro, March 23, 2020 (RJ, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-23 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (3:20min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Drone Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Drone Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro Drone Flight: Copacabana is a bairro (neighbourhood) located in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its 4 km (2.5 miles) balneario beach, which is one of the most famous in the world. Copacabana beach, located at the Atlantic shore, stretches from Posto Dois (lifeguard watchtower Two) to Posto Seis (lifeguard watchtower Six). Leme is at Posto Um (lifeguard watchtower One). There are historic forts at both ends of Copacabana beach; Fort Copacabana, built in 1914, is at the south end by Posto Seis and Fort Duque de Caxias, built in 1779, at the north end. One curiosity is that the lifeguard watchtower of Posto Seis never existed. Hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and residential buildings dot the promenade facing Avenida Atlântica. On Sundays and holidays, one side of Avenida Atlântica is closed to cars, giving residents and tourists more space for activities along the beach. Copacabana Beach plays host to millions of revellers during the annual New Years Eve celebrations, and in most years, has been the official venue of the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup. // Copacabana é um bairro situado na Zona Sul do município do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil. É considerado um dos bairros mais famosos e prestigiados do Brasil e um dos mais conhecidos do mundo. Tem o apelido de Princesinha do Mar e Coração da Zona Sul. Faz divisa com os bairros da Lagoa, Ipanema, Botafogo, Leme e Humaitá. Em termos populacionais, é o bairro mais populoso da Zona Sul, com mais de 140 000 habitantes em 2010, dos quais cerca de 1/3 (cerca de 43 000 habitantes em 2010) é composta por idosos, com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos de idade. De fato, Copacabana é por vezes apontado como o bairro com população mais idosa do país. Copacabana atrai um grande contingente de turistas para seus mais de oitenta hotéis, que ficam especialmente cheios durante as épocas do ano-novo e do carnaval. No fim de ano, a tradicional queima de fogos na Praia de Copacabana atrai uma multidão. A orla ainda é lugar de variados eventos, como shows nacionais e internacionais, durante o resto do ano. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Copacabana, Hoje, Today, Drone, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Praia, Beach, Copacabana Palace, Hotel, Skyline, Ipanema, Leblon, Sugar Loaf, Pao de Acucar, Cristo, Redentor, Christ the Redeemer, Statue, Empty, No people, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copa, Barra, Tijuca

» Video [Internal ID 568] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-23 19:16 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Arena de Pernambuco from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Stadium Arena Pernambuco in Recife (PE, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-22 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (3:43min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Recife 4K Drone Video Footage & Recife Drone Pictures.

Recife Drone Flight: Arena Pernambuco (Portuguese: Arena de Pernambuco) is a multi-use stadium in the western suburbs of the Recife metropolitan area, in São Lourenço da Mata, Brazil. It is used mostly for football matches and was used to host matches during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The stadium has a capacity of 44,300 spectators. In 2012 Clube Náutico Capibaribe, one of three professional football clubs in the Recife metro area, signed into agreement to become part owners of the new stadium. Beginning in July 2013, Clube Náutico Capibaribe will play all of their home games at Itaipava Arena Pernambuco. The stadium was previously known as Itaipava Arena Pernambuco under a sponsorship arrangement with brewing company Grupo Petrópolis between 2013 and 2016. // O Estádio Governador Carlos Wilson Campos, conhecido como Arena de Pernambuco, é um estádio de futebol construído em São Lourenço da Mata, município da região metropolitana de Recife, para os jogos da Copa das Confederações FIFA de 2013 e da Copa do Mundo FIFA de 2014 em Pernambuco. Com padrão internacional, tem capacidade para 44.300 pessoas e 4.700 vagas de estacionamento, sendo 800 cobertas. Após o Mundial, a arena vem sendo usada para jogos de futebol, outras competições esportivas, feiras, convenções, shows e grandes espetáculos dos mais variados portes e tamanhos. Paralelamente a isso, a Arena de Pernambuco também sedia eventos privados, como confraternizações de empresas e firmas, além de reuniões comerciais, com mais de 25 espaços diferentes para eventos. O custo foi de sua obra foi de R$ 532 milhões. A arena é administrada atualmente pelo Governo de Pernambuco. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Arena Pernambuco, Arena de Pernambuco, Stadium Recife, Sao Lourenco, Mata, Brazil, Brasil, Football, Match, Game, 2014 FIFA World Cup, Nautico, Itaipava, Estadio Governador Carlos Wilson Campos, Futebol, Copa das Confederacoes, FIFA, Confed, Cup, Copa, Mundial, Groundhopping, Worldwide, Arena, Ground, Sport Recife, Santa Cruz

» Video [Internal ID 565] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-22 22:37 Captured in RecifeBrazil See video »

【4K】Virtual Walking Tour | Lapa / Centro Rio de Janeiro | Carioca Ghost City Corona Virus 2020-03-22

The final 4K World Trip footage of my Daytime Walking Tour at Times of Corona Virus 2020 through the deserted Streets of Lapa and Centro / Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil) and the Metro System (MetroRIO Carioca to Barra de Tijuca); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This video (48:59min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro: Lapa is a neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. It is located in the centre of Rio and is famous for its historical monuments and nightlife. The neighborhood is home to the Arcos da Lapa, an impressive aqueduct constructed in the mid-18th century by colonial authorities. Another important historical attraction is the Passeio Público, the first public park of the city, built in the 1780s. Since the early 1950s, Lapa has been known for its lively cultural life where there is a concentration of many restaurants and bars where Brazilian artists and intellectuals would meet. It was, and still is, famous for its many restaurants, bars and clubs where the various forms of Brazilian music can be appreciated, like the Asa Branca bar and the Fundição Progresso. The Sala Cecília Meireles, an important venue for chamber music, is also located in Lapa. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places (Keywords): Lapa, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Night, Noite, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Gomes Freire, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Barra, Tijuca, Santa Teresa, Bar de Cachaca, Ponto de Encontro, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV, Metro, Carioca, Barra, Tijuca, Estacao, MetroRIO

» Video [Internal ID 564] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-22 22:36 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Current Situation at Brasilia International Airport (Corona Virus) | 2020-03-20 | UltraHD Video

The final 4K World Trip footage of the situation at Aeroporto Internacional de Brasilia (DF, Capital of Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-22 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This video (3:08min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Brasilia 4K Video Footage & Brasilia Pictures.

Brasilia: Brasília–Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport (IATA: BSB, ICAO: SBBR) is the only international airport serving Brasília. The airport was named after Juscelino Kubitschek (1902–1976), the 21st President of Brazil. It is located in the administrative region of Lago Sul, in the Federal District. Some of its facilities are shared with the Brazilian Air Force. It is operated by Inframerica. // O Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília – Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek (IATA: BSB, ICAO: SBBR) é um aeroporto internacional na região administrativa do Lago Sul, no Distrito Federal. É o terceiro maior aeroporto do Brasil em número de passageiros transportados e o primeiro aeroporto da América do Sul a operar com pistas simultâneas. Com uma área de 1,334 quilômetros quadrados, o complexo aeroportuário conta com um sistema de acesso viário próprio. A DF-025 se estende por parte do perímetro do aeroporto, tendo ligação com a rodovia BR-450. Toda estrutura para passageiros é atendida, desde a desativação do terminal 2, por um único terminal. O complexo aeroportuário foi concedido à iniciativa privada em 6 de fevereiro de 2012 para o Consórcio Inframérica durante o período de 25 anos, pelo valor de 4,5 bilhões de reais. Em 2019, foi apontado pela consultoria de aviação internacional OAG como o terceiro mais pontual do mundo. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places (Keywords): Brasilia, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, BSB, Airport, Night, Noite, Aeroporto, Presidente, Juscelino, Kubitschek, Aeroporto Internacional de Brasilia, Gate, Lago Sul, DF, Distrito Federal, Walking Tour, Capital, Brasil, Brazil

» Video [Internal ID 563] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-22 22:36 Captured in BrasiliaBrazil See video »

【4K】Virtual Walking Tour | Lapa / Centro Rio de Janeiro Daytime | Ghost City Corona Virus 2020-03-21

The final 4K World Trip footage of my Daytime Walking Tour at Times of Corona Virus 2020 through the deserted Streets of Lapa and Centro / Rio de Janeiro (RJ, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This video (21:22min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro: Lapa is a neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. It is located in the centre of Rio and is famous for its historical monuments and nightlife. The neighborhood is home to the Arcos da Lapa, an impressive aqueduct constructed in the mid-18th century by colonial authorities. Another important historical attraction is the Passeio Público, the first public park of the city, built in the 1780s. Since the early 1950s, Lapa has been known for its lively cultural life where there is a concentration of many restaurants and bars where Brazilian artists and intellectuals would meet. It was, and still is, famous for its many restaurants, bars and clubs where the various forms of Brazilian music can be appreciated, like the Asa Branca bar and the Fundição Progresso. The Sala Cecília Meireles, an important venue for chamber music, is also located in Lapa. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places (Keywords): Lapa, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Night, Noite, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Gomes Freire, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Barra, Tijuca, Santa Teresa, Bar de Cachaca, Ponto de Encontro, Day, Carioca, Estacao, Jardim Oceanico, Barra de Tijuca, Metro, Subway, Public, Transport, People, I am Legend, Ghost Town, Teatro Municipal, Praca, Tiradentes

» Video [Internal ID 562] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-21 23:43 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Amazing MALTA from Above 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Amazing Malta (Island in the Mediterranean); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (5:15min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Malta 4K Drone Video Footage & Malta Drone Pictures.

Malta Drone Flight: Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast. Its a nation known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers including the Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French and British. It has numerous fortresses, megalithic temples and the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum, a subterranean complex of halls and burial chambers dating to circa 4000 B.C. On the largest island, also called Malta, is the capital Valletta, a medieval fortress city and site of high baroque St Johns Co-Cathedral containing 2 Caravaggio paintings; Mdina, a walled medieval city; and beaches both lively (Golden Bay, Mellieha Bay) and quiet (Paradise Bay). On the island of Gozo, Dwejra Bay features natural coastal formations, dive sites including the Blue Hole–an underwater chimney–and a lagoon nicknamed the Inland Sea. Between Malta and Gozo, tiny Comino offers the Blue Lagoon, popular for snorkelling. When the sun goes down, Maltas many nightclubs come alive with tracks spun by international DJs. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Malta, Archipelago, Mediterranean, Sicliy, North Africa, Coast, Historic, Sites, Romans, Moors, French, British, Valletta, Medieval, Fortress, City, Cathedral, Coast, Beach, Mdina, Paradise Bay, Golden Bay, Mellieha, Bay, Gozo, Swordmanship, Sand, Sea, Ocean, Praia, Blue, Lagoon, Camino

» Video [Internal ID 543] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-21 13:08 Captured in MaltaMalta See video »

【4K】Northern ITALY from Above 2020 | Rimini | San Siro Milan | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Northern Italy (Rimini, at the Adriatic Coast, and San Siro Stadium in Milan); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (2:30min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Italy 4K Drone Video Footage & Italy Drone Pictures.

Italy Drone Flight: Northern Italy is a geographical and cultural region in the northern part of Italy. Non-administrative, it consists of eight administrative Regions in northern Italy: Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. As of 2014, its population was 27,801,460. Rhaeto-Romance and Gallo-Italic languages are spoken in the region, as opposed to the Italo-Dalmatian languages spoken in the rest of Italy. For statistic purposes, the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica uses the terms Northwest Italy and Northeast Italy for two of Italys five statistical regions in its reporting. These same subdivisions are used to demarcate first-level Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics regions within the European Union, and the Italian constituencies for the European Parliament. // Lombardy is a region in Northern Italy. Its capital, Milan, is a global hub of fashion and finance, with many high-end shops and restaurants. Its Gothic Duomo di Milano cathedral and Santa Maria delle Grazie convent, housing Leonardo da Vincis painting of “The Last Supper,” testify to centuries of art and culture. North of Milan, Lake Como is an upscale alpine resort with dramatic scenery. Lombardy is also home to all or part of lakes Maggiore, Garda and Iseo, and borders Lake Lugano, each with romantic scenery and resort towns. North of Iseo, Valcamonica valley is famous for its prehistoric rock drawings. Other cities in the region include Bergamo, with its medieval Città Alta (high city), and Pavia, known for its sprawling Renaissance monastery complex of Certosa. Cremona, where Stradivarius violins are made, offers music-related sites and the 112m-high Torrazzo, a landmark clocktower. Near the Veneto border, Mantua is a picturesque riverside city with notable Renaissance palaces. // Rimini is a city on the Adriatic coast, in Italys Emilia-Romagna region. Its known for its beachside nightclubs and shallow waters. South of the center, the Malatestiano Temple is a 15th-century reconstruction of an old Franciscan church, now a mausoleum for Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, a local nobleman. Nearby, the Malatesta-built Castel Sismondo is a medieval fortress now used for cultural events. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Northern Italy, Italy, Italia, Aosta, Piedmont, Lombary, Liguria, Emilia, Romagna, Veneto, Friuli, Venezia, Guilia, Trentino, Alto, Tirol, Südtirol, Rhaeto, Rimini, Milan, Milano, Mailand, San Siro, Guiseppe Meazza, Stadium, AC Milan, Inter Milano, San Marino, Lombardy, Beach, Cremona, Venedig

» Video [Internal ID 542] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-21 13:06 Captured in ItalyItaly See video »

【4K】Estadio Arena das Dunas from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film | World Cup

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at the 2014 FIFA World Cup Stadium Arena das Dunas (Dunes Arena) in Natal (Capital City of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (5:17min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Natal 4K Drone Video Footage & Natal Drone Pictures.

Natal Drone Flight: The Arena das Dunas (Dunes Arena) is a football stadium in Natal, Brazil. The arena can shelter 31,375 spectators, and was designed by sports architect Christopher Lee of Populous. The stadium hosted football matches for the 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil. During the tournament, it had a seating capacity of 42,000. It was built in place of the Machadão, which was demolished in 2011. This project replaced an old project called Estádio Estrela dos Reis Magos that would have been located in the neighboring municipality of Parnamirim. In the new project, a shopping center and commercial buildings, hotels of international standard and an artificial lake around the stadium will be built. The stadium is located by the Senador Salgado Filho Avenue (BR-101 highway), a multi-lane road already served by the Complexo Viário do Quarto Centenário (Fourth Centennial Complex road or Complexo Viário Senador Carlos Alberto de Sousa). The project was one of the most praised by inspectors from FIFA. // Arena das Dunas (ou Arena Marinho Chagas)[16][17] é um estádio multiuso localizado na cidade de Natal, no estado brasileiro do Rio Grande do Norte. Além de partidas de futebol, o complexo tem a capacidade de abrigar eventos de grande porte, exposições e lojas comerciais. A estrutura foi inaugurada em 22 de janeiro de 2014,[18] depois de 29 meses de obras, no lugar do Estádio João Machado.[19] É gerenciada pela OAS Arenas. Localizada no bairro de Lagoa Nova, entre a BR-101 e a Av. Prudente de Morais, duas importantes artérias viárias da cidade, a arena foi viabilizada através de uma parceria público-privada entre a OAS Engenharia e o governo do estado, tendo a finalidade precípua de sustentar a candidatura da capital potiguar para a Copa do Mundo FIFA de 2014, de onde recebeu quatro partidas do evento mundial. Posteriormente projetada para ter uso variado, se viabilizando financeiramente, o complexo tem a capacidade de 31.375 espectadores. Durante a Copa do Mundo, a arena contou com arquibancadas flexíveis, que permitiu a expansão para 42 mil assentos.[20] A arquitetura do estádio, inspirada nas dunas do Rio Grande do Norte, foi projetada pela empresa estadunidense Populous.[21] [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Arena das Dunas, Dunes Arena, Football, Stadium, Ground, Groundhopping, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Cristopher Lee of Populous, Matches, 2014, FIFA, World Cup, Machedao, Estadio, Estrela dos Reis Magos, Parnamirim, Arena Marinho Chagas, Futebol, Copa do Mundo, RN

» Video [Internal ID 557] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

» Interested in buying my footage? Contact me: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/onemanwolfpackDrone/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-21 13:05 Captured in NatalBrazil See video »

【4K】Praia de Pipa from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at one of the most famous beaches of Brazil: Praia de Pipa (Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (4:40min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Praia de Pipa 4K Drone Video Footage & Praia de Pipa Drone Pictures.

Praia de Pipa Drone Flight: Pipa Beach (Praia de Pipa in Portuguese) is one of the most famous beaches of Brazil. Located next to city of Natal, the capital city of state of Rio Grande do Norte. Is located more precisely in municipality of Tibau do Sul, exactly 84 km from the capital of the state. // A Praia de Pipa é uma famosa praia localizada no município de Tibau do Sul, ficando a 85 km de Natal, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. É o principal balneário do Litoral Sul do estado, que inclui ainda praias como Ponta do Madeiro e Praia do Amor. A mais endêmica e atípica característica desse paraíso tropical é a junção entre dunas imponentes sobrepostas no horizonte em cima dos tabuleiros que acabam em falésias geomorfologicamente vivas pela ação do mar e ventos; não se conhece outro lugar do mundo em que a costa de dunas e falésias sedimentares se recombinem de forma tão espetacular com um verde denso que chega a tomar a parte frontal falesiana. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Praia da Pipa, Praia, Pipa, Rio Grande do Norte, RN, Tibau, Sul, Capital, Paraiba, Natal, Balneario, Litoral, Ponta, Madeiro, Amor, Beach, Famous, Sand, Lighthouse, Farol, Famoso, Love, Relax

» Video [Internal ID 556] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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2020-03-21 13:04 Captured in Praia de PipaBrazil See video »

【4K】Joao Pessoa from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Joao Pessoa (Capital City of Paraiba, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (4:33min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Joao Pessoa 4K Drone Video Footage & Joao Pessoa Drone Pictures.

Joao Pessoa Drone Flight: João Pessoa is a coastal city near the mouth of the Paraíba River in eastern Brazil. Its old town is known for its baroque and art nouveau architecture. The 16th-century São Francisco Church has Portuguese painted tiles in its courtyard and an ornate, gold-adorned chapel. Tambaú and Cabo Branco beaches are lined with bars and nightclubs, plus shops selling local woodcarvings and pottery. Boats leave from the beaches for snorkeling trips to offshore reefs like Picãozinho. Overlooking the sea on the headland at Ponta do Seixas, the Estação Cabo Branco is a cultural center designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. The nearby Cabo Branco Lighthouse has panoramic coastal views. Inland, Parque Zoobotânico Arruda Câmara (known as Bica) is a botanical garden and large area of rainforest thats home to the city zoo. The circular Parque Sólon de Lucena lagoon and the distinctive pastel-colored buildings on Antenor Navarro Square are close by. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, JP, City, Metropolis, Beach, Skyline, Skyscraper, Park, Lagoon, Church, Recife, Natal, Pernambuco, Rio Grande, Do, Norte, Cidade, Capital, Praia, Parque, Lagoa, Igreja, Cabo Branco, Farol, Lighthouse

» Video [Internal ID 555] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-21 13:03 Captured in Joao PessoaBrazil See video »

【4K】Virtual Walking Tour | Lapa / Rio de Janeiro at Night | Deserted Streets Corona Virus 2020-03-21

The final 4K World Trip footage of my Night Walking Tour at Times of Corona Virus 2020 through the deserted Streets of Lapa / Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-21 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This video (15:39min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Rio de Janeiro 4K Video Footage & Rio de Janeiro Pictures.

Rio de Janeiro: Lapa is a neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. It is located in the centre of Rio and is famous for its historical monuments and nightlife. The neighborhood is home to the Arcos da Lapa, an impressive aqueduct constructed in the mid-18th century by colonial authorities. Another important historical attraction is the Passeio Público, the first public park of the city, built in the 1780s. Since the early 1950s, Lapa has been known for its lively cultural life where there is a concentration of many restaurants and bars where Brazilian artists and intellectuals would meet. It was, and still is, famous for its many restaurants, bars and clubs where the various forms of Brazilian music can be appreciated, like the Asa Branca bar and the Fundição Progresso. The Sala Cecília Meireles, an important venue for chamber music, is also located in Lapa. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places (Keywords): Lapa, Coronavirus, Corona, Virus, Pandemic, Pandemia, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Night, Noite, Arcos, Arcos da Lapa, Avenida, Gomes Freire, Empty, Deserted, Walking Tour, Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Barra, Tijuca, Santa Teresa, Bar de Cachaca, Ponto de Encontro, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, 2019-nCoV

» Video [Internal ID 561] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-21 05:20 Captured in Rio de JaneiroBrazil See video »

【4K】Estadio do Arruda from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at Estadio do Arruda (Estadio Jose do Rego Maciel) in Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-10 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (4:30min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Recife 4K Drone Video Footage & Recife Drone Pictures.

Recife Drone Flight: Estádio José do Rego Maciel, also known as Estádio do Arruda, is a multi-purpose stadium in Recife, Brazil. It is currently used mostly for football matches. The stadium was built in 1972 and is able to hold 60,044 spectators. Estádio do Arruda is owned by Santa Cruz Futebol Clube. The stadium is named after José do Rego Maciel, who was Recifes mayor between 1952 and 1955. // O Estádio José do Rego Maciel (conhecido popularmente como Estádio do Arruda ou Arrudão, ou ainda Mundão do Arruda) é um estádio de futebol localizado em Recife, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Pertencente ao Santa Cruz Futebol Clube, tem atualmente capacidade para 60.044 espectadores. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Estadio, Jose do Rego Maciel, Estadio do Arruda, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, Brasil, Football, Futebol, Soccer, Stadium, Santa Cruz, Futebol Clube, Santa Cruz Futebol Clube, Rego Maciel, Arruda, Arrudao, Arena, Ground, Groundhopping, Worldwide

» Video [Internal ID 554] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/mirowawak/10
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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-10 13:52 Captured in RecifeBrazil See video »

【4K】Estadio Ilha do Retiro from Above - BRAZIL 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights at Estadio Ilha do Retiro (Estadio Adelmar da Costa Carvalho) in Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-10 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (4:10min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Recife 4K Drone Video Footage & Recife Drone Pictures.

Recife Drone Flight: Estádio Adelmar da Costa Carvalho, commonly known as Estádio Ilha do Retiro or simply Ilha do Retiro, is a football stadium situated in Recife, State of Pernambuco, in Northeastern Brazil, and owned by Sport Recife. The stadiums official name is Estádio Adelmar da Costa Carvalho, and it was inaugurated on July 4, 1937. The stadiums common name, Ilha do Retiro, is the name of the neighborhood where it is located. The stadiums official name, Adelmar da Costa Carvalho, is in honor of the Sport Recife president who presided over the first major renovation of the stadium. // O Estádio Adelmar da Costa Carvalho, mais conhecido como Ilha do Retiro, é um estádio destinado à prática de futebol, e sede oficial do Sport Club do Recife. Localiza-se no bairro da Ilha do Retiro, cidade do Recife, capital de Pernambuco. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Estadio, Adelmar da Costa Carvalho, Estadio Ilha do Retiro, Ilha do Retiro, Football, Soccer, Stadium, Recife, Pernambuco, Nordeste, Brasil, Northeast, Brazil, Sport Recife, Futebol, CBF, National, Team, Bolivia, Jogo, Match, Game

» Video [Internal ID 553] taken in 2020 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/mirowawak/10
▶️ Subscribe: https://youtube.com/OneManWolfPack?sub_confirmation=1

Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-10 13:45 Captured in RecifeBrazil See video »

【4K】Stunning LIECHTENSTEIN 2020 from Above | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in the stunning Mountainside of Liechtenstein (Europe); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-10 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (4:07min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Liechtenstein 4K Drone Video Footage & Liechtenstein Drone Pictures.

Liechtenstein Drone Flight: Liechtenstein is a German-speaking, 25km-long principality between Austria and Switzerland. Its known for its medieval castles, alpine landscapes and villages linked by a network of trails. The capital, Vaduz, a cultural and financial center, is home to Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, with galleries of modern and contemporary art. The Postmuseum displays Liechtensteins postage stamps. The 12th-century Vaduz Castle overlooks the capital and serves as a residence for the royal family. Nearby vineyards produce red and white wines. Skiing, hiking and cycling are popular pastimes in Liechtenstein. Malbun village is a year-round resort with hiking in summer and skiing and ice-skating in winter. Balzers is home to Burg Gutenberg, a well-preserved 12th-century castle, now a museum. There are Roman ruins in the villages of Nendeln and Schaanwald. The village of Schellenberg is home to the ruins of 2 medieval castles. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Capital, City, Schaan, German, Germany, Swiss, Switzerland, Austrian, Austria, Medieval, Castle, Alpine, Alps, Landscape, Train, Village, Kunstmuseum, Vaduz Castle, Vineyard, Hiking, Mountain, Mountainside, Mountains, Roman, Ruin, Rheinpark, Stadion, Stadium

» Video [Internal ID 541] taken in 2019 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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» 40$ @AirBNB? http://onemanwolfpack.de/?p=airbnb
» Want to support? PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/mirowawak/10
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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-10 13:36 Captured in LiechtensteinLiechtenstein See video »

【4K】Beautiful CYPRUS from Above 2020 | Cinematic Wolf Aerial™ Drone Film

The final 4K footage of my drone flights in the Mediterranean Island of Cyprus (Republic of Cyprus); project finished & uploaded on 2020-03-10 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.

Media data: This drone video (5:28min playtime) is an extraction of my multipleGB Cyprus 4K Drone Video Footage & Cyprus Drone Pictures.

Cyprus Drone Flight: The Republic of Cyprus occupies the southern part of the island of Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean. The island (and capital city Nicosia) is divided with Turkey to the north. Known for beaches, it also has a rugged interior with wine regions. Coastal Paphos is famed for its archaeological sites relating to the cult of Aphrodite, including ruins of palaces, tombs and mosaic-tiled villas. Southern coastal city Limassol is the site of medieval Limassol Castle and an Old Port. Cypriots have been cultivating wine since the Bronze Age, and many wineries are based in and around Limassol. Some vineyards occupy the southern slopes of the Troodos Mountains, home to pine-cedar forests, painted Byzantine churches and ski resorts. The western Akamas Peninsula National Park is a rugged area for hiking and mountain biking, with beaches accessible by off-road vehicles. There are more accessible beaches in places like Ayia Napa and Protaras in the east. [Source: wikipedia // Google]

Among others, you will see following places by Drone (Keywords): Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus, Mediterranean, Island, Nicosia, Capital, City, Wutrkey, Greece, Beaches, Paphos, Archeological, Aphrodite, Palace, Tomb, Limassol, Castle, Old, Port, Cypriots, Wine, Bronze, Age, Vineyard, Troodos, Waterfall, Mountain, Akamas, Peninsula, National, Park, Petra, tou, Romiou, Petra tou Romiou

» Video [Internal ID 540] taken in 2019 and published in 2020

» Backlinks:
http://www.onemanwolfpack.de/drone-videos/ (All Drone Videos by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage)
(Buy 4K Drone RAW Footage Stock from 70+ Countries | 2020)

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Copyright © Miroslaw Wawak | All rights reserved | One Man Wolf Pack 2020 - www.onemanwolfpack.de

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» One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage Contact: http://onemanwolfpack.de/contact
2020-03-10 13:27 Captured in CyprusCyprus See video »

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