The final 4K footage of my drone flights in Liyu Lake (鯉魚潭) and Sanxiantai (三仙台; Taiwan); project finished & uploaded on 2020-04-26 by One Man Wolf Pack UltraHD Drone Footage.
» Media data: This drone video (Internal ID 614, taken in between 2016 & 2020 and published in 2020) is an extraction of my Liyu Lake 4K Drone Video Footage & Liyu Lake Drone Pictures.
About Liyu Lake: The Liyu Lake or Carp Lake (Chinese: 鯉魚潭; pinyin: Lǐyú Tán) is a lake in Shoufeng Township, Hualien County, Taiwan. After the development of the lake into a scenic spot, the lake becomes the site of various recreational activities, such as light boat sailing, water sports, etc. It has single lane bicycle path around 5 km encircling the lake and footpaths for strolling along the shore. The Chinan National Forest Recreation Area (Chinese: 池南國家森林遊樂區) and Mukumugi (Chinese: 慕谷慕魚) surrounding the lake displays the old logging trains and the logging displays and aboriginal culture respectively. Every year in April, thousand of fireflies flash above the lake. // 鯉魚潭位於台灣花蓮縣壽豐鄉,地處花東縱谷國家風景區的最北端。鯉魚潭為木瓜溪支流銅文蘭溪之上游與花蓮溪支流荖溪之間河川襲奪所形成的堰塞湖,湖面呈南北長東西窄的橢圓形,面積約104公頃左右,湖水來自於地底湧泉,所以終年清澈,水最深處達15公尺。而「鯉魚潭」的得名說法有二:一是因為側邊山岳形似鯉魚,故山與湖同齊名為鯉魚,有「鯉魚山上有鯉魚,鯉魚潭裡水中游。」俚語的稱呼。另一種說法源於最早活動於此處的台灣原住民太魯閣族,因為登至山頂往下看,潭的形狀就像是一隻剛捕獲的鯉魚在跳躍,所以以此名之。該處環境優美如畫,環境與水質均保持良好。近年來每年四、五月均舉辦螢火蟲季,更顯示當地生態與環境保育的成功。優美的景色吸引許多遊客來此,為台灣東部與太魯閣等風景區為知名的旅遊勝地。// Sanxiantai (Amis: nuwalian; Chinese: 三仙台; pinyin: Sānxiāntái) is an area containing a beach and several islands located on the coast of Chenggong Township, Taitung County, Taiwan. The beach stretches for ten kilometers in length. It is situated at the 112-kilometer mark. A popular tourist attraction for its rocky coastal views, the area is well known for its long footbridge in the shape of a sea dragon that connects the coast to the largest island. The name Sanxiantai means three immortals platform, referring to the island with three large standing rocks.